It’s really common to feel anxious and even scared about visiting the dentist. Many people with dental anxiety put off making dental appointments because their fear is so strong. Unfortunately, this can result in small problems which are preventable or easily-treated turning into major issues requiring substantial dental work and expense.
Here at McIntosh Dental we understand and sympathise with nervous patients, and do everything we can to help you feel calm and comfortable while you are with us. If you require a number of dental treatments then an extended appointment using sleep dentistry may be a great option for you. Sleep dentistry involves using sedation to allow you to sleep through your dental procedures, and is ideal for patients who are scared to visit the dentist. It is one of the most comfortable and fear-free ways to have dental work done.
We offer three sedation options:
- Oral Sedation
- Nitrous Oxide
- IV Sedation

The Benefits Of Sleep Dentistry
In addition to greatly reducing dental anxiety, there are a number of benefits of sleep dentistry:
- It is a great time saving as all of your required dental treatment – from fillings to root canals to crowns and even multiple extractions – can all be completed in one appointment.
- It reduces sore jaws from having to hold your mouth open for extended periods.
- It minimises the gag reflex so it is easier for dentists to perform their work.
- You are completely relaxed which allows the dentist to work in an optimal environment – often speeding up the procedures and resulting in monetary savings for you.
Is Sleep Dentistry Right For You?
Although sleep dentistry may not be right for everyone, it can be ideal for people who:
- Experience anxiety or fear about going to the dentist, particularly to the point where they delay going
- Have sensitive teeth
- Have had difficulty getting numb with standard numbing options
- Require complex or numerous dental procedures
- Have limited time to have dental procedures completed and therefore one single extended appointment is preferable
- Have had traumatic dental experiences in the past
Is Sleep Dentistry Safe?
Not only is sedation painless and stress-free, it is also very safe. We use state of the art techniques and continual monitoring to ensure your safety throughout the procedures.
Post-Sedation Care
When your procedures have been completed, we bring your support person into the room so that you have a familiar face to wake up to. It is normal to feel a bit groggy to start with.
We will go through your post-care instructions carefully with you, and also give you a copy of these to take with you.
You can expect to be up and about on your feet soon after your treatment. However, you will not be able to drive for the rest of the day and therefore will need to be taken home by your support person.
The day after your treatment we will be in touch with you to check how you are feeling.
Contact us today to find out if sleep dentistry is an option for you.
Oral Sedation
If you are scared of going to the dentist, sleep dentistry may be the answer for you. Here at McIntosh Dental we offer three types of sedation: oral sedation, nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) and IV sedation.
Oral sedation is an ideal option for those of us who are scared of needles. It provides all of the benefits of sleep dentistry, allowing you to have dental procedures performed without anxiety or pain. It involves administering oral sedatives in tablet or liquid form, which will allow you to be in a relaxed sleep-like state so you will feel and remember very little. Generally you will need to come in one hour before your schedule appointment to allow the oral sedatives to fully take effect.
Oral sedatives are used in conjunction with local anaesthetic for pain relief, given separately to make you as comfortable as possible in the dentist’s chair.
The effects of oral sedation usually last between two and six hours, therefore you will require someone to drive you home after your appointment.
Oral sedation is a safe way to have dental procedures completed without fear or anxiety. Our dentists are highly trained and experienced in sleep dentistry, so you can have complete confidence in us and look forward to painless and stress-free dentistry.
Contact us today to find out if sleep dentistry and oral sedation is an option for you.
Nitrous Oxide (“Laughing Gas”)
Feeling anxious or scared of going to the dentist is extremely common. Whether you have sensitive teeth, hate the sound of dental drills or have suffered from a traumatic dental experience in the past, it can be too tempting to keep putting off those dental appointments.
Sleep dentistry provides an ideal solution for anxious and scared patients. McIntosh Dental offers three types of sedation: oral sedation, nitrous oxide and IV sedation.
Commonly known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a controlled mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen administered through a mask placed over your nose. It allows you to feel calm and relaxed in the dentist’s chair, so you can have dental procedures completed without anxiety or fear. Although you will remain conscious, the laughing gas helps you to relax while undergoing treatment – effectively managing nervousness and anxiety even in patients who have suffered dental trauma in the past.
Nitrous oxide is a great option for people who are scared of needles. It is administered in conjunction with local anaesthetic for pain relief so you can be completely comfortable during the entire procedure.
As with all of our sedation options, our dentists are highly trained and experienced in nitrous oxide sedation for nervous patients. We provide continual monitoring to ensure you are given just the right amount of gas to stay safe and comfortable throughout your appointment.
Because it is given through a mask, the effects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly, but you will still need a responsible adult to take you home after your appointment.
Nitrous oxide is a safe form of sedation for having dental procedures completed without fear or anxiety. Now you can look forward to painless and stress-free dentistry.
Contact us today to find out if nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is an option for managing your dental treatments.
IV Sedation
If you have a fear of visiting the dentist, you are certainly not alone. Studies estimate that as many as 20% of people delay or even refuse to go to the dentist because of anxiety or fear. This could be anxiety triggered by the sound of the drill, or having a fear of needles, or sensitive teeth which cause even the most common dental procedures to be unpleasant. Some people may have had bad dental experiences in the past and this trauma can be difficult to overcome. If this sounds like you and you need to have some dental work done then sleep dentistry may be the ideal solution.
Here at McIntosh Dental we offer three types of sedation: oral sedation, nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) sedation and IV sedation.
How Does IV Sedation Work?
Intravenous or IV sedation uses similar types of sedatives to oral sedatives, but they are administered through an IV cannula into your arm. This means that IV sedation begins working faster and can be controlled more precisely than oral sedatives. It is used in conjunction with a local anaesthetic applied in the mouth for pain relief.
IV sedation allows patients to be in an extremely relaxed, sleep-like state. In addition, most people remember very little about their dental treatment. You will still able to follow basic instructions the dentist gives you. Some patients are so relaxed they fall asleep during their procedure.
Is IV Sedation The Same As General Anaesthetic?
IV sedation is not the same as general anaesthetic. Although both are administered in the same way through a vein, IV sedation does not cause unconsciousness. For this reason it is considered to be a safe way of relieving dental anxiety. Patients can breathe on their own and respond to simple instructions, while remaining in a sleep-like state of relaxation. Our dentists are highly trained and experienced in IV sedation, and continuously monitor patients to ensure they remain calm and comfortable throughout their dental procedure.
In contrast, people under general anaesthesia are unconscious and require assistance with breathing. Because of this it carries higher levels of risk and can only be carried out in a hospital setting, with the associated substantial higher cost.
After IV Sedation
You may feel a little groggy after IV sedation – this is normal and does not last long.
After your procedure is completed you will have a short rest and drink while your dentist explains your post-treatment care steps.
Driving is not permitted after IV sedation, therefore it is necessary to have a responsible adult take you home to rest.
Contact us today to find out if sleep dentistry and IV sedation is an option for you.